MN Urolith App has been updated with new features!

The Minnesota Urolith Center serves patients and veterinarians around the world.  Our CALCulate function uses the most recent urolith prevalence data to help veterinarians predict urolith composition. To ensure that prevalence is specific to your location, you can now enter continent and country in addition to species, breed, gender and age. 

Step 1: Use the drop-down menus to input your patient’s species, breed, gender, age, continent, and country.  Then activate the search button. Your selection will run through our large database of cases at the Minnesota Urolith Center to reveal how often each urolith type occurred in patients with similar identity, for the selected geography. If the numbers are too low for the selected country, select “all countries” for a more geographically broad prevalence for the area.

Step 2: Select the radiographic image on the App that matches the radiographic appearance of your patient’s stone. WE HAVE ALSO UPDATED THIS FEATURE.  Tap the urolith type to see multiple radiographs for each urolith type.  Use prevalence and radiographic appearance to most accurately predict urolith composition. 

More information about the MN Urolith app

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