Canine Ca Phosphate Carbonate


These smooth to slightly irregular, moderately radiopaque stones are often round or angular and usually associated with a Staphylococcus or Proteus urinary tract infection. They are more likely to be associated with struvite than exist as a solitary component.

General Information

Like struvite, calcium phosphate carbonate forms as a consequence of urinary tract infection withbacteria that produce the enzyme urease. Uroliths recur when urinary tract infections are inadequately prevented. Calcium phosphate carbonate commonly forms in breeds that are also at risk for calcium oxalate uroliths (Shih Tzu, Bichon, miniature Schnauzer, etc.). We hypothesize that increased calcium excretion in combination with urinary tract infection are important risk factors for calcium phosphate carbonate. Therefore, avoid prevention therapies that increase the risk for calcium oxalate (i.e. do not overly acidify urine).


• Urine cultures every 1 to 3 months and with urinary signs.


• Antibiotic strategies: sporadic infections - administer culture susceptible antibiotics for 3-7 days; relapsing infections-see detailed calcium phosphate carbonate recommendations.


• Low phosphorus/magnesium/sodium foods that do not over acidify urine (e.g. c/d multicare, others).


Periodic Urine Cultures (e.g., every 3 months) to manage recurrent infections before uroliths recur.


We advise reviewing manufacturer's literature regarding selected therapeutic foods to determine indications and contraindications. For pets with multiple health concerns,we suggest that the selection of diet should take into consideration all health needs of the pet.

Link to Full Recommendation PDF

Canine Ca Phosphate Carbonate