Feline Calcium Phosphate Carbonate


General Information

Calcium phosphate carbonate uroliths likely form as a consequence of urinary tract infection with bacteria that produce the enzyme urease and contribute to urine alkalinization. Uroliths recur when urinary tract infection is not consistently prevented. We hypothesize that increased calcium excretion and urinary tract infection are important risk factors for calcium phosphate carbonate


• Urine cultures every 1 to 3 months and with recurrent urinary signs.


• Antibiotic strategies: sporadic infections - administer culture-susceptible antibiotics for 3-7 days; relapsing infections-see detailed calcium phosphate carbonate recommendations for cats. z.umn.edu/mnurolithRX


• Lower phosphorus/magnesium/sodium foods that do not over-acidify urine (e.g. c/d multicare diets, others).


Culture urine every 1 to 3 months and with clinical signs of urinary tract disease to manage recurrent infections. Medical imaging every 3 to 6 months to detect recurrent stones when small to potentially permit their removal without surgery.


We advise reviewing manufacturer's literature regarding selected therapeutic foods to determine indications and contraindications. For pets with multiple health concerns,we suggest that the selection of diet should take into consideration all health needs of the pet.

Link to Full Recommendation PDF

Feline Calcium Phosphate Carbonate