Canine Struvite


These smooth to slightly rough, relatively large radiopaque stones are often round or angular and usually associated with a Staphylococcus or Proteus urinary tract infection.

Informations générales

In almost all dogs, struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate hexahydrate) forms as a consequence of urinary tract infection with bacteria that produce the enzyme urease. Early eradication and prevention of urinary tract infections are the best strategies to prevent infection-induced struvite uroliths.


• Urine cultures should be performed routinely (every 1 to 3 months), or sooner when urinary tract signs are observed.


• Antibiotic strategies: sporadic infections - administer culture-susceptible antibiotics for 3-7 days; relapsing infections-see full struvite recommendations at


• Low phosphorus/magnesium foods that promote acidic urine (e.g. c/d multicare, others).


Periodic Urine Cultures (e.g., every 3 months) to manage recurrent infections before uroliths recur.


Nous vous conseillons de consulter la documentation du fabricant concernant certains aliments thérapeutiques afin d'en déterminer les indications et les contre-indications. Pour les animaux présentant des problèmes de santé multiples, nous suggérons que le choix de l'aliment prenne en compte tous les besoins de l'animal en matière de santé.

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Canine Struvite